Over at Progressive Geographies Stuart Elden has curated a list of “some of the posts about writing and publishing from this blog”.

The list contains around fifty posts and articles (some by Stuart, some external links) with lots of helpful and thought-provoking advice about research, writing and publishing. It’s well worth a browse.

To read all the research hacks posted to date, please click here.

Here are some of my personal highlights:

Why I prioritise writing books over articles, even in an era of research assessment (March 2017) – this has quite a bit of discussion in comments, and see the follow-up post here.

You can’t polish a turd, but you can edit one – the importance of early drafting (Feb 2016)

My sabbatical rules for writing (Sept 2015)

Theory and Other Languages at E-IR (July 2015)

On writing books (April 2013)

Raul Pacheco-Vega’s research resources

Notes on Academic Productivity at OrgTheory (Jan 2017)

How to give a conference paper – some excellent advice to read and share from Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn (Oct 2015)

CC Image courtesy of dutchbaby on Flickr.